Who is Kimberly Guilfoyle? Firebrand lawyer, 55, was married to Gavin Newsom and embroiled in shock sex scandal at Fox... before dating Don Jnr

New Photo - Who is Kimberly Guilfoyle? Firebrand lawyer, 55, was married to Gavin Newsom and embroiled in shock sex scandal at Fox... before dating Don Jnr

Who is Kimberly Guilfoyle? Firebrand lawyer, 55, was married to Gavin Newsom and embroiled in shock sex scandal at Fox... before dating Don Jnr

Kimberly Guilfoyle is known for her relationships with politicians such as Gavin Newson, an extensive career as a lawyer and TV personality, her brief stint as a lingerie and fashion model and her 2017 scandal at Fox News. Guilfoyle has been deeply intertwined with the Trump campaign and family since 2016 - becoming the fiancé of Donald Trump Jr. in 2020. But years later, the stability of that relationship is being called into question.
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